HappyCultrice, cultivating joy in life !

Each day, I’m going in my inner garden to take care of all these joyful & colorful flowers with delicate fragrances, so fragile and precious to me.
I only realize now that during all these years, I had to call upon a very great deal of courage, faith and kindness for myself in order to enjoy this amazingly joyful garden where today, I simply feel home. And I certainly continue to maintain it on a daily basis as life changes: I observe, I listen, I clean, I rearrange, I embellish, I add or remove things...
I often meet people who also have their garden but some totally forgot about it or don’t really care for it, others don’t know how to cultivate it while some people only need advice.
I think cultivating one’s own inner garden is the key for a happy blooming life.
When I notice it can take so little to change things around, I wholeheartedly want to share the experience I have in cultivating joy and support people who want to get some guidance on how to take great care of their precious garden.
There is no perfect garden, only the one you feel warm and comfortable in. There is no secret; a garden needs to be cultivated day by day with love, attention and pleasure.
In this way, I support groups, individuals, couples and families to understand themselves better, to enhance their communication and above all, to love themselves the way they are. I help them to light up their joyful flame coming from their deeper self and to simply find their happiness from within.
I integrate tools I’ve met in my life path: Meditation, Open Up Communication, Taiji, Qigong, Qi Dance, Sarbacana and Oracle Cards. Yes, all these practices - which keep teaching me everyday,
are helping me to realign myself and thus, to better share my zest for life.
My life path has been nourished by practices that I transmit today through these different gateways:
the Body with Taiji, Qigong and Qi Dance
the Heart, through NonViolent Communication and the TOut DOux entrepreneurship program
the Mind with Meditation
All these disciplines continue to teach me on a daily basis, helping me to realign myself and thus better offer my joy of living.
I’m also vibrating with you through articles about how life can be a powerful teacher.
I hope they will give you some light in your own path.
"Joy is the Essence of Succes "
Meditation, Qi practices (Qigong, Taiji, Qi Dance) and NonViolent Communication support me on a daily basis on my journey, and I'm keen to be able to share them with all the depth I've drawn from them to date.
Initially, I tried these different practices independently of each other. Little by little, they became so harmoniously linked that they are now a natural and coherent part of my life. I find a powerful complementarity and a clarity of path to follow in this awareness of body, heart and mind. I'm constantly invited to return to the core of my being, to my centre, and to rediscover my life balance. As a result, the sessions I offer reflect the union of these practices.
Aware that the approaches can resonate in different ways depending on one's life path, I've set up different types of workshops/trainings based on a central practice (body, heart, mind) but where you'll always find complementarity with the other practices.